Large wall fountains in stone

Have a look at our selection of wall fountains of larger size carved in French natural limestone. Each model is a creation by the atelier Alain Bidal and will, no doubt, add some style to your garden. These fountains, unconditional sources of freshness, will also add a "je ne sais quoi" to your outdoors ! If you prefer, we can customized these water features in order to meet your criteria or custom-carve the bespoke fountain of your dreams !


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These elegant garden fountains are easy to install and will most certainly add some value and authenticity to your garden, courtyard, patio, pergola, or even indoors !

Crafted in our atelier in Provence by our experienced artisan stonemasons, these fountains are hand-carved in French natural stone. Each fountain can be modified according to your criteria in order to fit perfectly within your space. And as stonecutters, we can also custom-carve the fountain of your dreams.

For our fountains, we work mainly with 2 types of natural French limestone : the stone of Avy (a beautiful white limestone presenting a few shells that withstands frost at salt) and the stone of Estaillades (THE stone from Provence, a white limestone slightly softer). Both are 2 natural stone extracted in France.

→ Feel free to visit us in l'Isle sur la Sorgue where you will find all our wall fountains, made from ancient materials or carved in natural stone, in our 3-hectares landscaped exhibition park.

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